Sunday, December 1, 2013

New Website and Blog

Hi! This blog has now moved to:

Please visit me at my new blog for updates from the studio!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

In the Press

Joanna from Anthology Magazine says:

"Quiet, gentle, and lovely, these ceramic pieces are made at the hands of Yasha Butler. These sloping and organic, irregular pieces are reminiscent of a sweet poem. They don’t command your attention by screaming, but instead are subtle enough to keep the viewer engaged and curious. The wobble of a plate’s rim, the quirky wide base of a bowl, even the irregular curve of a spoon’s handle—the entire story that they tell is one of subtlety and imperfection. Yasha’s statement of work even declares, “I want the curves and slopes of my vessels to pull you softly into a moment of silent contemplation.” It is safe to say that Yasha has accomplished her mission."

Visit the full blog post here.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Recently we took a trip through rural Catalunya.  We travelled in the area between Vic and Olot.  The landscape and views were breathtaking, but what really caught my eye were these beautiful textures I found in a small town called Rupit.

Monday, September 30, 2013

In The Studio

Here are some snapshots from the second half of September:
(Clockwise from the top)

Mineral bowls drying
Lithic vessels about to be fired in the kiln
Mineral bowls being glazed
Lithic vessels made for a Luce et Studio order
Mineral bowls in the making
Gazing from above onto the small Lithic vessels
A view from my Barcelona studio
A larger Lithic vessel posing on the table as I contemplate its form

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

In the Studio

Here are some snapshots from the first half of September:
(Clockwise from the top)

Petra Stockhausen from The Insighter photographing my studio
A new plaster mold drying in the sun
More stacks of plaster molds
Petra Stockhausen photographing our home
A still life of plate, bowl, spoon and vase
Nesting Plateau bowls

Friday, August 16, 2013

Luce et Studio Exhibition

These are images from my exhibition at Luce et Studio in San Diego.  The opening of the show on August 3rd was amazing with so many great visitors, delicious food and fun music.  A big thanks to everyone who came!

Table Story One
Ceramics by Yasha Butler - Tables by Jennifer Luce
5070 Santa Fe Street 'A', San Diego, CA 92109

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Exhibition in La Jolla

Please join us on August 3rd, 2013 at 7pm for the opening of our show!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

In The Studio


I have been spending countless hours in the studio getting ready for my show at Luce Limited on August 3rd.  As I am taking a little tea break I wanted to post some images of work in progress.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


A form and color study for my new project!

Friday, March 22, 2013

In The Studio

I just finished a firing and unloaded the kiln.

These are my Functional Landscapes.

Monday, March 18, 2013

In The Studio

In the coming few months I plan to focus on my Off Circle vessels again.  There is something about the organic shapes and thick lips that keep me coming back to these forms.  It has been a long time since I have sketched out my ideas.  I was having fun in the studio with my large pad, favorite pencil and a hot cup of tea.  It's nice to just sit back and sketch.  Trying out a form quickly on paper is much easier than building it in clay!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

In The Studio

These are the results of my color tests.  I tested 1%, 3% and 5% of each stain in both a clear glaze and in Limoges porcelain.  The top photo shows the mini test bowls before the firing and the rest of the images show the final colors.  Of course, as always, the colors are not exactly what I expected, but I think there are a lot of beautiful ones.  I am especially into the really pale glazes and the deep purply-blue porcelain.

Monday, March 4, 2013

In The Studio

I got a request to produce my tableware set in a color scheme of pale blues and greens.  I had been wanting to explore these colors myself so this little nudge was all that I needed to get going.  I like to add color both to my clay and to my glazes and you never know what the right percentage will be.  This leads to lots and lots of test tiles (or in my case mini test bowls).  I am testing 6 different stains at 1%, 3% and 5%.  I can't wait to see how they all turn out.  Sometimes the most beautiful ones are the ones you least expect.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Since the New Year

These are images from the first two months of 2013.

The gorgeous orchid was bought at 2am on January 1st by my wonderful sister and her boyfriend from a mini floral market that is open 24/7 and happened to be on our walk back home from the New Year's Eve festivities.  I am proud to say that 2 months later it is still alive and gorgeous, at last we have kept a plant alive!!

The little porcelain bits and bobs are some new jewelry ideas that I have been playing around with.

I have been enjoying using my own plates at home.  This image was taken while enjoying one of my favorite breakfasts - Wasa crackers, spreadable herbed cheese and cucumbers.

My birthday was in January and my adorable and thoughtful husband baked me a cake.  It not only looked amazing, but was also de-li-cious!!!

I have been hard at work in the studio working on a new plate design.  Above is the plaster model that I carved and will make a mold of.  I am hoping for some good results so I will keep you posted on how it turns out.